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Hebrew 11:6.  But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God, must
believe that God is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

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In the Mens Bible study at Roy Coys I brought up some facts on Abortion that I added to my website : http://Infoisme.angelfire.com

It is not a woman’s body. Abortion cannot be justified. Abortion is sin, murder. Abortion is not the unforgivable sin.

There is no such thing as an unwanted child. The number of people looking to adopt is equal to the number of aborted babies.

Below is more on this topic.

Thirty-Six Couples Wait for Every One Baby Who is Adopted Opinion Keith Riler Jul 9, 2012 | 1:09PM Washington, DC LifeNews.com

A Woman thinking about having an abortion has several factors to consider.

The baby is not unwanted as the number of babies being killed is about the same as the number of babies that people are looking to adopt.

It is not the womans body as all babies seperate from their mother. Abortion is murder. It is easy to see it is a the baby child. Some say it is not viable.

Well, neither are you at the north pole. Abortion is not the unforgivable sin. However Abortion cannot be justified either.

It has to be brought up that all the people looking to abort were born themselves. Peace and forgiveness can be found in Jesus

Why women have abortions

1% of all abortions occur because of rape or incest; 6% of abortions occur because of potential health problems regarding either the mother or child, and 93% of all abortions occur for social reasons (i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient). From 911 Babies.com -



Abortion is not the unforgivable sin. Paul killed many, many, Christians, and threw them in jail, etc.

Yet he was Gods chosen vessel to preach to the gentiles.

Also David was comforted when his baby died after Bathsheba delivered him.(2 Samuel 12:23)

Todd & Sonja Burpo Son died and went to heaven. There he met his still born sister who wouldn’t stop hugging him.

So there is evidence children who die before the age of accountability are taken by God.

A really good video On Abortion is on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUY-mY-bKrI

These two points of about six are from http://www.americanadoptions.com/

Specifically http://www.americanadoptions.com/pregnant/deciding_between_abortion_or_adoption

My Summary Cost- can be free adoption services are completely free,

and you may also be eligible to receive living expenses to help you with your pregnancy.

Their paragraph

Cost Abortions range from hundreds to thousands of dollars, depending on your stage of pregnancy.

Conversely, not only is adoption free, but you may also receive living expenses from the adoptive

family to help you cover pregnancy-related expenses such as rent, food, utilities, transportation and more.

My Summary Confidentiality Adoption Can be confidential. This is my transcript from part of Dr Kent Hovind’s seminar on Abortion.

The video can be seen on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUY-mY-bKrI

Logic used to justify an abortion. They will say its not a human. This is just not true. But that is what public school textbooks have.

They have that the baby has gill slits it is a fish. That was proven wrong in 1874. It is not true. It is a human the instant it is conceived.

So its not good logic to have an abortion. They are going to say its not viable, that it can live on its own.

You’re not vaiable stark naked on the north pole, you know. How long would you live on your own on the north pole.

Not too long right. Just because it is not viable does not mean we have the right to kill it.

I know kids that are twenty five years old that still come home and borrow money from dad. Does that mean we have the right to kill them?

They are going to say , well the child may be unwanted. Well there are kids that are already born that are unwanted.

Should we kill all of them? My parents moved four times when I was growing up. But I found them every time.

They are going to say the child may be a financial burden . Every kid is a financial burden. Show me one that’s not.

To raise a kid from birth till the time it is eighteen is like fifty thousand dollars. Their going to say the child may be from rape or incest.

Ok well that's horrible . But why kill the child. Why not kill the rapist. Hemmn. why do we always have to kill the child.

Why don’t we abort the mother every once in a while? Why do we not even think of these things?

Womans raped, she’s pregnant, kill the baby, no kill the rapist. See if you kill the rapist then adopt out the baby everybody’s happy.

That’s the best possible situation. If you kill the baby, then the mother, she’s going to mourn, there’s going to be something

in her conscience bothering her, she killed her baby. Now many people have had abortions. It’s not the unpardonable sin.

And I don’t want to make you feel like God cant use you , he can use you. Half the Bible is written by murderers.

Moses was a murderer, God used him. King david was an adulterer and murderer God used him in a great way.

But you don’t want to justify this Abortion is murder plain and simple.

I was speaking and their was a medical doctor in the crowd who was getting upset.

He said suppose a woman gets raped and pregnant should she be required to carry that baby.

(Jared's response: Suppose Just for a second that that baby is you. Should she be required to carry that baby.)

What do you think? Huh? Well sir that’s a horrible scenario but sir let me ask you a question.

You know Jesus often answered a question with a question. I said Sir If the woman gets raped and pregnant and has the baby.

Five years later she has a flashback of how she got the kid and losses control for five minutes and kills her child. Is it murder?

Of course. Well what if she killed it five months after it was born would that have been murder?

What if she would have killed it five minutes after it was born would that be murder? He got real quiet he knew where I was going.

What if she killed it five minutes before it was born would that be murder? Rape is horrible . The rapist ought to be executed, not the child.

Were killing the wrong one. We got it all scrambled up. They always say pro choice pro choice.

Why don't we pass a law in Florida, you can do this in every state. If a woman goes to have an abortion the nurse will have a jar full of marbles.

Were going to have a lottery. Just to be fair, ok. Were going to have one marble in there for baby one for mother and one for father.

We will pick a marble to see who dies. Lets put one more in there for doctor and governor and put several in there for president.

How many abortions would we have then? Zero! Did you know every politician that has voted for abortion has already been born.

Think about that. Every politician has already been born. Lets let the unborn children vote what do you think they'll say about abortion.

They're going to say abortions legal. well it does not mean abortions right.

Just because something is legal and right in mans eyes doesn't mean it legal and right in Gods eyes.

In 1936 the German Supreme court declared Jews are not persons. If your living in Germany and your Jewish your subhuman your not a person.

Well guess what that says, If you kill one you didn't kill a person, did ya.. You can't be tried for murder can ya.

Because it wasn't a person. So when Hitlers gaurds were killing the jews it was not murder. It was perfectly legal in German law to kill the jews.

After all their not human. I've been to Germany three times. Fires me up every time I go there.

I read lots of books about Hitler and the Holocaust just to keep my blood boiling. It was murder. Millions murdered.


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